Conduit enters agreement with AstraZeneca to exclusively license rights to develop three first-in-class assets

Conduit Pharmaceuticals has entered into an agreement with AstraZeneca to exclusively license rights to develop AZD1656 and AZD5658, both HK-4 glucokinase activators, and AZD5904, a myeloperoxidase inhibitor (MPO). AstraZeneca had progressed AZD1656 and AZD5904 through Phase 1 clinical trials.

Conduit initially intends to conduct Phase II clinical trials on clinical candidates AZD1656 and AZD5658 in 2024 for applications in autoimmune disorders.

Under the terms of the License Agreement, AstraZeneca will grant Conduit an exclusive license to both AZD1656 and AZD5658 for all human indications, as well as an exclusive license to AZD5904 for use in Idiopathic Male Infertility.

As part of the License Agreement, AstraZeneca will be issued shares of common stock in Conduit, and Conduit will also pay AstraZeneca a share of sublicense revenues, including upfront payments, milestones, and royalties received from future partners.

AstraZeneca will share pre-clinical and clinical data on the assets and supply Conduit with certain quantities of AZD1656, AZD5904, and AZD5658 from its inventory. The License Agreement also includes provisions for the transfer of know-how related to AZD1656, AZD5658 and AZD5904 from AstraZeneca to Conduit. AstraZeneca has been granted a right of first negotiation to develop, manufacture, and commercialize the licensed compounds if Conduit seeks to assign, license, or grant such rights to a third party.

Through the License Agreement, Conduit will analyze existing clinical data and initiate Phase II trials. Conduit believes this will fast-track the development of these compounds and bring innovative new medicines to patients facing substantial unmet needs.

“We are delighted to have entered into an agreement with AstraZeneca to secure the rights to develop AZD1656, AZD5658, and AZD5904. The potential of these assets to become important first-in-class medicines for patients is promising. Given the data from AstraZeneca’s clinical trials, we believe there is a strong rationale to initiate Phase II studies in multiple indications to progress to commercialization of these assets,” said Dr. David Tapolczay, Chief Executive Officer of Conduit.

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